Packed with zingy flavour and science-backed health benefits, the Honeyberry is Scotland’s remarkable new homegrown superfruit.
Hear The Hairy
Bikers’ Verdict…
As seen on the BBC, TV Stars Dave & Si taste our famous freeze-dried berries on their show “The Hairy Bikers Go Local”. Listen to their verdict here >
Why Health-Conscious UK Shoppers Can’t Get Enough of Scottish Honeyberries
Jam-packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and anthocyanins, the Honeyberry is a no-brainer snack choice for anyone looking to kickstart their health and boost their longevity.
The honeyberry shines as a smoothie ingredient, breakfast topping, jam, freeze-dried snack, and more. Your imagination is truly the only limit to its potential use cases!
Uniquely Tasty
The zing-tastic taste of the Honeyberry is a wonder you can’t help but savour. It’s the perfect blend of sweet and tart, like a mixture of blueberry, plum and grape - but with added ZING.
Honeyberry Creations
From freeze-dried and chocolate-covered honeyberries to mouth-watering jams, use Scottish Honeyberry creations to add a guilt-free kick of ZINGY flavour to your daily diet.
Yoghurt Coated Freeze-dried Honeyberries (est. June)
3 Lesser-Known Honeyberry Benefits
Boosts Energy Levels - Improves your performance in exercise and day-to-day life.
Fights Ageing - Rejuvenates your biology, aiding both physical and mental health.
Low in Calories - Making guilt-free snacking tastier than ever.
Taste Honeyberries in Person!
The Growers
Cooperative by name, cooperative by nature. 8 of Scotland’s top growers have come together to cultivate the healthiest and tastiest honeyberries in the world.
A 2 Star Win at The 2023 Great Taste Awards
We are delighted to share that we picked up 2 stars at the Great Taste Awards 2023 - the UK's largest and most trusted food accreditation scheme.
A 1 Star Win at The 2023 Great Taste Awards
We are delighted to share that we picked up 1 star at the Great Taste Awards 2023 - the UK's largest and most trusted food accreditation scheme.
How Henry Powers His 3000-Mile Journey
Meet Henry, the daring adventurer setting out to conquer "The World's Toughest Row" across the Atlantic Ocean.
Honeyberries co-op brings new crop to Scottish agriculture
“It’s high in antioxidants and vitamin C, more so than blueberries,” said Mr Arbuckle, whose website describes the berry as “a cross between a raspberry and a blueberry, perhaps with a touch of elderberry and added zing”.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise to explore Honey berry potential
Scottish Honeyberries Ltd has been awarded £23,160 from the Collaborative Innovation Fund, operated by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE). Having secured the innovation funding, the cooperative is now working with land and crop researchers.
Co-operative to develop honeyberries market
Honeyberries, the fruit of the honeysuckle, are high in antioxidants and rich in vitamin C.
They are similar in taste and looks to blueberries, and can be eaten raw or used in jams and jellies.
Scottish-grown Japanese 'superberry'
Scottish Growers of a Japanese ‘superberry’ are working with Queen Margaret University to develop a range of new products to diversify the market.
welcome Caroline Black to the fold
Scottish Honeyberry Growers has welcomed Caroline Black to their team of farmers in order to help promote sales .
New 'superfood' is ideal for Scotland
THE POTENTIAL for a new 'superfood' fruit, the honeyberry, could generate an income of between £10,000 and £25,000 per acre according to experts.